Depression Treatment

PTSD brings with it several negative consequences, with the most glaring of them all being depression. The joy you once felt as you spent time with friends and family is replaced with a persistent feeling of hopelessness that refuses to go away.

Signs of depression are 3 to 5 times more likely to occur in those who have PTSD in comparison to those who don’t.

Members of the armed forces are often at a higher risk of developing depression symptoms. This is due to them being exposed to several life-threatening situations such as:

  • Combat exposure
  • Terrorist attacks
  • Violent attacks

After the traumatic event, it’s common to experience nightmares, flashbacks, and vivid memories that not only cause feelings of numbness but also cause a vivid reminder of the incident. For members of the armed forces this often results in unavoidable feelings of sadness and disconnect from the world.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental condition that describes persistent feelings of being helpless, hopeless, and worthless. It’s a condition that takes away happiness from your normal life and could cause difficulty in doing activities you once enjoyed such as working, eating, enjoying hobbies, or spending time with family and friends.

Depression Symptoms and Signs Among Active Military, Veterans, and First Responders

While most people experience a feeling of sadness from time to time, depression is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness that occurs for more than 2 weeks. According to the DSM-5, a manual used to diagnose mental conditions, there are several signs of depression including:

  • Diminished interest or pleasure from activities
  • Significant weight loss or gain
  • Recurring thoughts related to suicide and death
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping

In extreme cases, depression symptoms are so harsh that they can lead to extreme anxiety, self-harm, and even suicide.

PTSD and Depression In Service Members

Depression is a common amongst military members who suffer from PTSD due to their exposure to combat. Multiple deployments can put you in situations that result in traumatic experiences and will often result in vivid nightmares of the occurrences.

These often include being exposed to a fellow soldier’s death, being the victim of a terrorist attack, as well as witnessing a horrific incident. Soldiers are still human, and being exposed to traumatic situations will often result in several psychological disorders that can change their entire life.

Treating the underlying problem that caused PTSD can help calm the signs of depression and provide relief for those who are battling against traumatic mental conditions. Warriors Heart offers several depression treatment programs to help do just that.

The Battle against Depression Begins

Warriors Heart is a treatment center located in San Antonio that provides PTSD and addiction treatment for those suffering from its ill effects, including depression, self-harm, and anxiety. Proudly serving service members from the armed forces as well as law enforcement, police members, and firefighters nationwide, our goal is helping those who have helped our country.

Don’t let depression take over your life. Contact Warriors Heart today. (844) 448-2567