Foundations that support our Warriors

The Warriors Heart Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, supports programs that address the unmet needs of suffering servicemen and women and give individuals and communities the tools to become self-sufficient. We want to build warriors that will be sustainable after our support ends, and that build upon and strengthen relationships within communities. The purpose of the Foundation is to assist our Warriors who may not have insurance or the means to fund their healing.

We truly believe that the Special Operations Care Fund is distinguished from many other worthy veterans’ support organizations in two ways: first, our ability to personally connect generous supporters with members of the SOF community who will directly benefit from such support; and second, by the very high percentage of donated funds that actually go toward meeting the “gaps” between SOF members’ medical, financial and other needs, as well as other sources of assistance. We invite you to join us and our SOF friends in this incredibly worthwhile endeavor.

Dedicated to serving and defending the principles of our country, the BLACK RIFLE COFFEE COMPANY (BRCC) fund supports veterans, first responders, and their families while helping conserve the great American outdoors.

The Gary Sinise Foundation Avalon Network is a cognitive health and mental wellness network providing transformative care to veterans and first responders experiencing post-traumatic stress, traumatic brain injuries, and substance abuse.

Task Force Dagger Special Operations Foundation provides assistance to wounded, ill, or injured US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) members and their families. We respond to urgent needs, conduct Rehabilitative Adaptive Events (RAE), and provide next-generation health solutions for issues facing our service members.

We Defy Foundation provide combat veterans coping with military connected disabilities a long term means to overcome their challenges through Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and fitness training.

The mission of Operation First Response, Inc (OFR) is to serve all branches of our nation’s Wounded Heroes/Disabled Veterans and their families with personal and financial needs. Services are provided from the onset of injuries or illness, throughout their recovery period and along their journey from military life to the civilian world. Financial aid varies as each case is based on individual needs ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle payments, groceries, clothing, and travel expenses.