Veterans Affairs (How we accept VA referrals)

We have clients who come to us via Mission Act Referrals from a Veterans Affairs’ Community Care Department. Some of these departments require you to use their programs before you can enroll in a community-based program like ours.

The client’s first step is to meet with a VA Primary Care Provider or a Mental Health Provider to request a referral to Warriors Heart. The doctor will place a referral in the community care portal.

In order to be eligible for treatment at Warriors Heart, your referral diagnosis must identify a substance use disorder as your primary diagnosis. We do treat co-occurring psychological disorders, but the primary diagnosis must be substance abuse or addiction.

If your doctor has trouble locating our facility in the portal, he or she can search using either of these two numbers

  • NPI#: 1780048827
  • TAX ID#: Is 37-1742449

If you go this route, you must have approval from Veterans Affairs before receiving care at Warriors Heart to avoid being billed for our services.

Warriors Heart will bill the VA for your treatment.

All the steps and the background information are covered HERE.