
How To Recover Your Self-Esteem During Addiction Recovery

How To Recover Your Self-Esteem During Addiction Recovery

If you are a addicted to drugs or alcohol, it’s common to find yourself focusing on negative feelings and self-loathing. These dark feelings can make it hard to look at your life and take the appropriate steps you need to regain your life back from substance abuse.

Admitting that you have a problem and going to addiction treatments is a step in the right direction. However, those feelings of self-loathing might still be present. Follow the suggestions below to see how you can take the steps to recover your self-esteem during recovery.

Take care of business

During addiction, it’s common to neglect your responsibilities. This can include neglecting to complete work or simply failing to pay bills. As you move through addiction recovery, it’s important to tie up those financial loose ends in your life, so you can move on.

Talk to your boss about your pending work, pay your bills, and do everything you can to correct that which can be corrected. By doing this, you can refocus your efforts on recovering your life and prepare for what’s to come.

Forgive yourself for your past actions

The actions you did while under the influence of drugs or alcohol cannot be erased. However, those actions are not the same actions you would do today.

Accept that the past cannot be changed, forgive yourself, and learn from your mistakes. This can be done by meditating for 20 minutes and providing yourself with insight as to why the decisions you took as a drug addict no longer apply to your sober mind. By doing this you can focus on becoming the person you want to be.

Be proud of who you are

Instead of focusing on the negativity of your addictive past, turn those feelings of guilt into feelings of pride. This is easily done when you consider your current situation and how you are taking action to correct your life. You are doing everything in your power to recover your life. That takes a lot of willpower.

A warrior never backs down from a battle and you’re heading headfirst into the most important battle of your life. Feel proud for identifying that you have a problem, and feel even prouder for taking the steps to fix that problem.

Make amends

Often addiction results in you choosing to spend time getting high, taking drugs, or drinking alcohol instead of spending time with your loved ones. This not only causes harm to you, but also harm to your personal relationships.

After taking active steps to correct your addiction, ask for forgiveness, and make amends to bring back those you love and care for back into your life. Friends and family who care about you will always be there for you and will welcome you with open arms if you take responsibility for your actions.

Surround yourself with positivity

Overcoming addiction is something that cannot be done alone. Someone in your life who is a negative influence, encourages you to take drugs, or puts you down should not have a place in your life.

Instead, surround yourself with positivity to help you develop a better outlook on life and yourself. This can include spending time with those who encourage you to do your best and dedicating yourself to activities with others that help you feel fulfilled.

Warriors Heart has your back

At Warriors Heart, we build a community of support to encourage you as you go through treatment. From the time you first step into Warriors Heart, you’ll see what sets us apart from other treatment centers in the United States. We understand you. We know how it feels when you feel like you’re fighting a battle by yourself.

Don’t fight that battle alone.

We are a family of men and women dedicated to serving those who have served us and will help you in your journey towards recovering your life back from addiction. Contact Warriors Heart today and begin your journey to healing.

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