Sober Living

Warriors Heart Sober Living

Warriors Heart Sober Living is a community of men and women who share a common desire to stay clean and sober. The sober living program was designed to provide a step-down level of care to warriors who have completed an inpatient program or have at least 42 days of continuous sobriety.

Research done by the National Institute of Health has found that individuals who live in a sober living home have better long-term outcomes than those of people who don’t have access to an environment that supports sustained recovery.

Why Choose Warriors Heart Sober Living?

Located in Bandera, just outside of San Antonio, TX, our sober living community gives clients the opportunity to ease into a healthy lifestyle.

They do this while experiencing real life responsibilities, gaining volunteering and living skills, and practicing valuable work. They learn to practice and reinforce the lessons and habits that they gained while in treatment.

Clients form friendships, support each other in their sobriety, and build personal support networks. They receive support from the main Warriors Heart facility along with the sober living manager and house managers.

Clients of our sober living community are given the opportunity to ease into a healthy lifestyle. They do this while experiencing real life responsibilities, gaining volunteering and living skills, and practicing valuable work. They learn to practice and reinforce the lessons and habits that they gained while in treatment.

Clients form friendships, support each other in their sobriety, and build personal support networks. They receive support from the main Warriors Heart facility along with the sober living manager and house managers.

Reclaim your life (844) 448-2567

Our Purpose

The primary purpose of Warriors Heart Sober Living is to provide a structured and safe environment for warriors to support and long term recovery. We produce “Sober Confident Warriors” who are then able to regain their lives from the grasp of addiction and PTSD.

Our commitment is to be a premier provider of sober living for only warriors. Our programs are unique in that we only serve the warrior class. These are the men and women of the military, veterans, and first responders.

Our Goals and Our Pledge

  • Develop and maintain a unified community of warrior men and women committed to living a life free and clear of drugs and alcohol.
  • Establish a solid foundation in recovery and begin changing the behaviors that interfere with recovery.
  • Encourage and promote opportunities for self-sufficiency, responsibility, and continued education.
  • Clients are responsible for open collaboration and participation in order to attain the sense of community and achieve common house goals.

Since my transition out of the military I have never really been able to find home. Warriors Heart has shown me the path that leads to it.

– Brendon, Ret US Army Captain

Live a life free from addiction. (844) 448-2567