Substance Abuse

Why Am I Feeling Hungover After Quitting Alcohol?

Why Am I Feeling Hungover After Quitting Alcohol?

Quitting alcohol will change your life for the better, providing you a renewed opportunity to live life. However, during the recovery process it is fairly common to experience a few side effects. Among these is a temporary condition known as a phantom hangover, which is one of many conditions that must be overcome in order to reach the road of recovery. Learn more about phantom hangovers and what you can do to treat them.

What is a phantom hangover?

A phantom hangover is a term for the symptoms that your body creates after abstaining from alcohol for a certain amount of time. These symptoms often starts after 48 hours, despite not having had any alcohol during this time. The phantom hangover is usually experienced by heavy drinkers who have stopped drinking and can occur anywhere from a few days to a couple of months after quitting alcohol.

Phantom hangovers occur either as a psychological effect from quitting alcohol or as a chemical imbalance in the brain while it is trying to recover from alcohol abuse. Phantom hangovers are not experienced by everyone who stops drinking but can be discouraging to those who do experience them during their detox journey.

What symptoms can I expect to have?

The symptoms of a phantom hangover are like the symptoms of a regular hangover and can include nausea, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, and aching muscles. This often comes hand in hand with the craving for more alcohol, feelings of insomnia, a rise in blood pressure, and even shaking. People that experience these phantom hangovers may find that they wake up with no energy and that it takes several hours to get their day started properly.

Treatments for phantom hangovers

The good news is that phantom hangovers can be dealt with. The first step is to eat a large, hearty breakfast first thing in the morning. This will give you energy and keep your body fueled throughout the day. Drinking water throughout the day is also important. Hydration can ease nausea and headaches brought on by the phantom hangover.

Because quitting alcohol is a priority, it’s okay to indulge sometimes in treats to stay focused. A sugary snack can provide a quick endorphin boost that can give you the push you need to get back on track for the day. It is important not to overindulge though, or you will find yourself with new bad habits.

Another important step in fighting phantom hangovers is getting quality sleep. You should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Taking a nap during the day is also a great way to feel rested and energized.

Another way to fight phantom hangovers is by getting your blood flowing. Going for a jog is a great way to start the day and ease symptoms. Additional exercises, like yoga, can improve not just hangover symptoms, but your lifestyle in general. Yoga also encourages you to clear your mind and puts you in a better mental state.

Quitting Alcohol Is Worth It

Experiencing phantom hangovers can be discouraging, especially during the first stages of quitting alcohol, but is important to remember that the symptoms of phantom hangovers can be overcome. Remain focused on your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle, and phantom hangovers can become a thing of the past.

Tired of letting a bottle take control of your life? Warriors Heart now offers a detox center to help those who are trying to wean themselves off of alcohol and drugs and reclaim their life. Contact us today to get started and put yourself on the path of recovery.

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