Categories: My Why

My Why: Kayla Alexander

Kayla Alexander
Client Relations

  Kayla Alexander is a dedicated individual with a profound commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. Having served as an EMT, Kayla has firsthand experience in providing crucial assistance during emergencies. Alongside her professional journey, she has embarked on a personal journey of recovery, utilizing the 12-step program to maintain sobriety.

Driven by her passion for helping others, Kayla recently obtained certification as a volunteer Support Group Facilitator with NAMI, furthering her involvement in mental health advocacy. Her aspiration to pursue higher education in social work reflects her unwavering dedication to addressing the complex challenges of addiction and mental health.

With a heart full of empathy and a spirit brimming with resilience, Kayla envisions a future where she can leverage her experiences and expertise to positively impact the lives of individuals grappling with addiction and mental health issues. Through her compassionate approach and unwavering determination, Kayla strives to be a beacon of hope for those in need of support and guidance on their journey toward healing and recovery.


My Why: 

Hi there, my name is Kayla! My journey to get where I am today wasn’t easy. One of the hardest lessons I learned was acceptance and how to be honest with myself. Lack of power was my dilemma. Today I am proud to say I am sober and I’m actually happy! I thought life was pointless. I was in some really dark places and now I’m achieving things I didn’t know were possible. But I can’t say I did it by myself, God and my family saved my life. I have so much gratitude today!

One of my biggest motivations to stay sober is my 1y/o son, Jett. He’s my world and I have to show him that this program does work. If he ever falls victim to this disease, I don’t want him to see it didn’t work for me and never give it a try.

I can’t wait to share the solution with others struggling, I know how hard this disease is. Especially on our warriors.

Warriors Heart

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Warriors Heart