Categories: My Why

My Why: Megan Herndon

Megan Herndon
Med Tech

Megan Herndon is what’s called a “Zonan”, an Arizona native. She moved to San Antonio just three years and appreciates the ruralness of Bandera. As a Certified Medical Assistant she has  primarily worked with geriatric patients of which suffer from chronic illness and mentally debilitating diseases such as parkinsons and dementia. Megan Herndon is passionate about continuing her understanding of the power of the mind through connecting with others that are committed to a journey of healing and transformation. She is an open minded learner who believes at times, we learn most outside of the classroom. Although, she is still a scholar at heart and is working towards becoming a licensed radiology technician. Most of all, her grounding faith is found in honoring her own heart by sharing a respect and compassion for all of life. When not at work, Megan Herndon enjoys long distance running, reading, and any activity outdoors. Her favorite places are the beach or mountains and loves camping.


My Why: 

With having strong family bonds there is a sentimental value I hold for the organization Warriors Heart. Having a family composed of  Military or Policemen we are accustomed to a specific culture, like the Sopranos.My family loves deeply yet “our culture” is not to be emotionally vulnerable, there have been many emotions that have been bottled up and difficult stories that have not been shared. This is why I feel I have my own personal mission of growth with Warriors Heart so that I can “BE” there for the ones I love. “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” ~ Mahatma Ghandi

Warriors Heart

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Warriors Heart