Monica Condit
Med Tech
Monica Condit was born in Kingsville, Texas, but was raised in San Antonio, TX. She currently resides with her husband in Fair Oaks Ranch and has two amazing children, Shelby and Jett. Since her husband is a pilot, she enjoys flying with her family, fishing, snow skiing, and reading. She started out her career in a family-owned property management company where she met her husband, Jeff. Then, in 2006, she suffered a horrible accident that crushed both her feet and fractured her back. After multiple reconstructive surgeries and rehabilitation, she knew she wanted to do something in the medical field. She earned her Associates of Applied Science degree in Medical Assisting from San Antonio Community College. Coming from a military family, she is honored to be able to work with and serve those who put their own lives on the line.
My Why:
My trauma started at age 13 when my life, as I knew it, died. My brain couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. Just moments before, my dad and I are taking a ride on his motorcycle. Then, being catapulted 297 feet into the air and then crashing to the ground. The only thing that saved me was my dad. His body cushioned my blow, but my body crushed him. Although I survived, and am truly thankful, I would struggle with survivor’s guilt and a mother who had no one to blame for it but me. Fortunately, as I became an adult, I received help for the shame I felt. Neurofeedback and intense therapy helped me be free of that burden placed on me. I am happily married for 21 years and with two children. Working at Warriors Heart makes me grateful to be where I am today. Seeing our warriors coming in broken screaming for help I can certainly relate. Seeing them go through the process and come out transformed is absolutely beautiful. Working as a med tech in detox, I love coming to work every day. Welcome home!