The Shop is a place of sacred healing. Warriors are guided through the process of working with wood as a way to build/create art work to enhance their healing process. This is shown to help clients access their emotions, develop interpersonal skills, reduce stress, increase self-esteem, and achieve insights.

It was handcrafted by Veterans and First Responders in the Warriors Heart Foundation woodshop devoted to healing our Nations’ Military, Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMT personnel. There are many American flags on the market, but this flag was made by those who were sworn to protect it.
America is the symbol of freedom the world over. Our flag represents the way of life our protectors devote their lives to guarantee. But even more than that, at Warriors Heart, it represents the freedom from addiction for these warriors. This freedom is best explained by one of the alumni of the program that informed me, “I can smile again because of this place!”
There is a well-known saying among veterans and first responders, “The only one that knows what a soldier is going through is another soldier.” Warriors Heart is a place where that mentality, warriors helping warriors, resides in the hearts of every member of the team. To our protectors who have reached a point in their life where they think they have nothing to live for, strength is found in this group that simply and truly believes in the power of our community, the power of each client that walks through the door of Warriors Heart and the power of each graduate who proudly emerges through the gates of the Ranch after graduation!
There is a well-known saying among veterans and first responders, “The only one that knows what a soldier is going through is another soldier.” Warriors Heart is a place where that mentality, warriors helping warriors, resides in the hearts of every member of the team. To our protectors who have reached a point in their life where they think they have nothing to live for, strength is found in this group that simply and truly believes in the power of our community, the power of each client that walks through the door of Warriors Heart and the power of each graduate who proudly emerges through the gates of the Ranch after graduation!
How the Elective Started
Christian Bagge, Honorary Board of Advisor Member took over the metal shop and created the woodshop as well. This is where the flags were born. It gave another avenue for the clients to express emotions through art and continue to heal.
The future of the elective
The Shop is expanding. Warriors Heart is building a bigger shop for the Foundation. This will allow more space for the client electives and potentially more clients in the shop at a time. The artwork is becoming more in demand as word gets out and opportunities to showcase it at various locations.
How donations or a major donor allowed for expansion and other areas that they assist with
While it can be seen in different ways, most donations go towards hardships for our Warriors that need help getting into treatment. 10% of donations go towards overhead/expenses, with the majority of these expenses are for the wood and metal shop to continue to serve the clients in their healing through art.
Can donors specify how their donation is used?
Generally, donors can request donations go somewhere, but IRS guidelines dictate that it is still ultimately up to the Foundation on where donations go. Donations can be restricted for a specific use.