Roxy Fox
Nurse Manager
I enjoy relaxing by the pool and traveling. I love to go see new places, meet new people and experience other cultures.
I am mom to 2 children who are now in their 30’s which seems very weird to say since I remember when I was 30. I am grandma to one very cute, precocious young lady.
My Why:
Roxzy was born in Lubbock Texas at Reese Air Force Base. Being a military brat, the family traveled to different areas, so she grew up in a lot of places. They settled in Missouri first in southern Missouri just north of the Ozark Mountains and then finally in the Kansas City Missouri area until she finally returned to Texas in 2011.
Roxzy has a bachelor’s degree in nursing. She has spent most of her career as an Emergency Department nurse for the majority of my career. I have worked in many different styles and sizes of department giving me a vast exposure to all types of people.
Her dad was a proud member of the USAF in the security forces. His career ranged from a tour in Vietnam to Chief of police at Carswell AFB from which he retired. She also watched both her children take that oath to our country. Her daughter followed grandpa’s path into the Air Force as security forces and her son wanted to make his own path in the Army. Roxzy has always been a member of a proud family that puts country and military service first. Roxzy had planned to get a commission in the service as a nurse, but life had other plans for her. She has used her strong desire for service to make her the best nurse she could be and when Warrior’s Heart came calling it seemed to fit.
Roxzy’s passion has always been helping people whether family, friends or patients. She joined the Warrior Heart team to serve that population that has sacrificed time with their families and friends to protect us and give us all a nice life. The men and women of our warrior class have given so much in both body and spirit that Roxzy considers it an honor to serve and give back to them.