Soldier Suffering From Emotional Breakdown

Understanding Combat Stress, PTSD, and Addiction

Veterans of armed conflict are overloaded with stimuli, and it takes a heavy toll on the mind. “Combat stress” is a blanket term used to describe behavioral disruptions experienced as a direct result of exposure to warfare. If left unresolved, these reactions can culminate in dangerous patterns of post-traumatic stress and addiction.

soldier leaving his family on deployment

How PTSD Affects Your Relationships

While many people realize that a person’s exposure to traumatic events such as combat or terrorism can create significant physical and mental challenges, there may be less awareness about how these events also affect that person’s loved ones. Post-traumatic stress (often called PTSD) can have a profound impact on relationships, including those with family members and friends.

Annette Hill

De-stigmatizing Post Traumatic Stress

That the prevalence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) have finally become openly acknowledged in our culture, and are the topic of great discussion, is a terrific thing. However, more work and progress to de-stigmatize those who suffer from the symptoms of these diagnoses has to be done.

Addiction, PTSD, TBI and the Family

by Annette Hill So, here you are… again. Any of this sound familiar: “How does this keep happening? He/she promised the last time was the last time!” “What am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with me? He/she says it’s because I do/say (fill in the blank) that he/she acts this way. Is it really my…