Warriors Heart: Magnetic EKG/EEG Resonance Therapy (MeRT) and The Promising Technology That Aims To Improve Brain Function and Communication.

Magnetic EKG/EEG Resonance Therapy (MeRT) and The Promising Technology That Aims To Improve Brain Function and Communication

Every day, someone who has been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, or Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) will feel heightened levels of unrest due to fluctuating levels of triggers or stressors; from loud parties and fireworks, to relationships, jobs, and traffic jams. Whether out and about, gathering with family and friends, or at your child’s sporting event,…

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Trauma and PTSD – Through Their Eyes

Trauma and PTSD – Through Their Eyes Trauma? Noah Kelley*, a 4th generation law enforcement officer and first responder, had seen it all; from the evilest domestic assaults, to burned bodies and Hollywood-worthy car accidents. A seasoned veteran of the curveballs the job would offer daily, he felt he could handle anything. “We received a…

- Warriors Heart is an addiction and PTSD treatment center for active military, veterans, and first responders. Contact us today at (844) 448-2567.

Who’s the biggest foe: COVID or Addiction?

COVID-19 with the “Delta” variant, along with the newest variant “Omicron,” has inflicted devastation on public health around the world; disrupting all aspects of life globally. As the unknown future of this ever-mutating virus continues, a largely unmasked nation walks the line of a “new normal;” celebrating the return to near-ordinary life with children returning…